Enrollment Info

Counselor steps for Online Enrollment during the school year

  1. Confirm student enrollment eligibility. Eligible students are currently enrolled at a local Kent ISD public high school
  2. Start at Kent ISD's Online Enrollment
  3. Click "Sign In" Or Register
    • The email entered will be used for enrollment communications
  4. Click on "Student Search" Tab (Or "Student List" if you know the student has already been entered into the OE Site)
    • DOB and one other piece of information is required, then Click on “Search”
    • Click “Select” next to student’s name or “Add a new student” only after you have checked spelling or data entry accuracy
    • Click on “enter Enrollment Request” and make selections from the drop down choices


  1. UIC
  2. DOB
  3. Transcript
  4. SpEd (Y/N)
  5. ELL (Y/N)
  6. 504 (Y/N)
  7. Grade Level
  8. Race & Ethnicity
  9. Address
  10. Course Choices
  11. Original Credit or Credit Recovery
  12. Parents/Student Contact Info.


Print Checklist also available: Online Enrollment Request Checklist Document


  • If a student is interested in more than one KISD program, or they currently or previously attend(ed) a program on the KISD campus, they are entered once into the OE site and subsequent requests are added to their online record/history. (Ex/ Please do not enter a student once for MySchool and start a new enrollment for KCTC, instead, search for the student and choose the additional program they’re interested in.);
  • Consider transportation availability
  • Confirm student’s resident address is within your district’s boundaries. (Exception: School of Choice or Section 6 Release)
  • Enrollments are accepted M-F throughout the year
  •  A mandatory orientation is scheduled for the student to attend

Questions? Contact Us:

Lisa Schantz
Deborah VanDyke, M.A., M.A.T.

For students with an IEP, local teacher consultant should contact:

Tamara Cnossen
Teacher Consultant
Mari Price
Teacher Consultant

High School - Personalized

MySchool@Kent combines new ways of learning, with the best part of school - the caring relationships. We take instruction and coursework online with a laptop/wireless card for learning anywhere. Plus, you'll experience just-in-time learning, tutoring, and group discussions in our café-style face-to-face learning labs.

Flexible Take courses at the time of day you prefer
Personal Complete high school with us or take just the classes you need to graduate a la carte
On Site Support Our Personal Online and on-campus Instructors and Success Coaches provide the support you need when you need it