Enrollment Info
Counselor steps for Online Enrollment during the school year
- Confirm student enrollment eligibility. Eligible students are currently enrolled at a local Kent ISD public high school
- Start at Kent ISD's Online Enrollment
- Click "Sign In" Or Register
- The email entered will be used for enrollment communications
- Click on "Student Search" Tab (Or "Student List" if you know the student has already been entered into the OE Site)
- DOB and one other piece of information is required, then Click on “Search”
- Click “Select” next to student’s name or “Add a new student” only after you have checked spelling or data entry accuracy
- Click on “enter Enrollment Request” and make selections from the drop down choices
MySchool Online Enrollment (OE) Request Checklist
- Transcript
- SpEd (Y/N)
- ELL (Y/N)
- 504 (Y/N)
- Grade Level
- Race & Ethnicity
- Address
- Course Choices
- Original Credit or Credit Recovery
- Parents/Student Contact Info.
Print Checklist also available: Online Enrollment Request Checklist Document
Important Notes
- If a student is interested in more than one KISD program, or they currently or previously attend(ed) a program on the KISD campus, they are entered once into the OE site and subsequent requests are added to their online record/history. (Ex/ Please do not enter a student once for MySchool and start a new enrollment for KCTC, instead, search for the student and choose the additional program they’re interested in.);
- Consider transportation availability
- Confirm student’s resident address is within your district’s boundaries. (Exception: School of Choice or Section 6 Release)
- Enrollments are accepted M-F throughout the year
- A mandatory orientation is scheduled for the student to attend
Questions? Contact Us:
For students with an IEP, local teacher consultant should contact:
High School - Personalized
MySchool@Kent combines new ways of learning, with the best part of school - the caring relationships. We take instruction and coursework online with a laptop/wireless card for learning anywhere. Plus, you'll experience just-in-time learning, tutoring, and group discussions in our café-style face-to-face learning labs.